Teachers: Ms. Long and Ms. Wong
Course Length: Full year
Grade: 8th
Requirements: Please submit Elective Selection Online Form by 5/28/21. GPA of 3.0+, Citizenship of “O” or “S.” TWO teacher recommendations (selected in online application). Here is the link to the 2021/2022 Leadership Online Application (Required): https://forms.gle/UEUvATfDQskPtTNb6
Students selected for the Leadership class will serve as ambassadors for our school and larger community. Students will be responsible for building and enhancing the positive atmosphere of our school by organizing and participating in spirit activities, school wide competitions, and other activities such as dances, rallies, annual Lip Dub, community service, and the student store. Students will understand the dynamics of working as a member of a collaborative team, how to utilize effective communication skills in everyday situations, and demonstrate the qualities of being a student leader on campus and in the community as a whole. Core academic standards will be incorporated through a variety of fun and engaging activities. Students are expected to complete 10 school service hours each quarter and maintain the GPA requirement to stay enrolled in the course.
*Students selected for Leadership will be notified in June 2021 and will be given their first official task for the end of the school year to honor the outgoing Leadership class.