Monster Mash Dash Jog-A-Thon
Friday, October 28th during PE classes
Our goal is 100% participation by our students; every pledge makes a difference no matter how big or small. All students will be participating in the Jog-A-Thon with their class on Friday, October 28th. We encourage each child to do their personal best both in gathering pledges and running laps. Even if your child won’t be at school on Friday 10/28, they can still collect pledges to support their school and programs!
Click here to see ALL of the Jog-A-Thon 2022 Info! :Jog-A-Thon 2022 Info & Registration Packet
Click here to VOLUNTEER! We need parent/guardian support!
Why is the Jog-A-Thon So Important?
● The Jog-a-thon has grown to become CAL’s PTO’s largest
fundraiser of the year.
● This fundraiser supports a large portion of the enrichment
programs including Sport Programs, Classroom & Teacher Support,
Clubs on Campus, Art and much more.
● Our goal this year is $10,000
How does my child participate?
● Get Pledges and/or Sponsors
● RUN LAPS! Your child will run laps with his or her PE class.
Each class will wear their PE uniform or their desired Halloween
Costume. Parent volunteers/Teachers will help keep track of laps.
Students run, jog or walk as many laps as they can.
● WIN AWARDS & PRIZES! Students who run the most laps in each
classroom will receive an award, and students with the most
pledges/sponsors will win special prizes. All Students who
participate will go home with some feeling rewarded for their
How can my student win prizes?
● Each runner will receive a LAP card. The student who runs the
most LAPS in each class per period, will win a FREE Prize.
● Each student who raises $10 in donations will be eligible to
receive a Raffle Ticket to potentially win a grand prize.
● Each student who raises $20 or more in donations will be
eligible to receive a Raffle Ticket, either a PIE Pass or Mile
Pass. A PIE pass is for Pie-A-Teacher in the Face Day, and Mile
pass is to choose when they would like to get out of the Mile
● Each Student who raises $75 will receive a Raffle Ticket, PIE
and MILE, and Gift Card to local business
● Each Student who raises $150 will receive a Raffle Ticket, PIE
and MILE pass, Gift Card to local business and a SWAG BAG
● The Student who raises the MOST will receive PIE and MILE pass,
Gift Card to local business, SWAG BAG, PIE the Principal Mr.
Dobrescu and FREE Lunch.
● Additionally, each teacher will be awarding successes in a
variety of categories, and will provide unique rewards to those
individuals. All prizes are in limited quantity and are first
earned, first rewarded!